Tomatin Distillery – An Under-appreciated Dram

Tomatin Distillery and its Houses. Photo Credit:
The Scottish Highland is home to many whisky distilleries today. If one takes time to read up on the history of Scottish highlands, one would easily understand why. Some of the most remote areas in the highlands were perfect locations for illicit stills, and today, these locations still bring benefits to the modern distilleries.
Location of Tomatin Distillery
Tomatin (the village) is a 25 minutes drive south from Inverness. The proximity to a town, however, does not means that it is easily accessible. It is over 1000 feet above sea-level on the eastern part of the Monadhliath Mountains. Nonetheless, the distillery is near a market, has access to a rail line and soft, highland waters from the Alt na Frith.
History of Tomatin